The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation published results of some new and enlightening research. (see link below)

Perinatal Depression can be a frightening experience for women, as well as for those who are closest to them – it doesn’t feel right to be so out of sorts during pregnancy and early parenthood, and sometimes this is the first time a couple encounters a concern like this. They may not know where to turn for help. If this sounds like your experience, or that of someone close to you, there is reason for hope. This is a more common experience than most people would expect, and with good support from healthcare and counselling professionals, it is a condition that responds well to treatment.

While this study confirms something that intuitively, we already kind of knew (moms experiencing postpartum depression and their babies are linked, and their mental health is mutually impacted by the experience) – we haven’t really known what would be helpful to lessen the impact. We now have a better and more specific understanding of what’s going on, which opens the door to specific and helpful interventions. Researchers, led by Ruth Feldman, Ph.D. found that the brain chemical (Oxytocin) is found in reduced volumes in the babies and the moms  experiencing postpartum depression. So you ask yourself, now what? What do we do with this information?

Fortunately, we also know there are natural, accessible ways to increase this brain chemical for women and babies, and in doing so, they can effectively bond, and restore essential levels of this naturally occurring brain chemical for their mutual well-being. And there’s the golden nugget. We can do something proactive that helps . . . phew.

Click the link below to see the whole article.