Michele is happy to facilitate courses for groups or with individuals who prefer a personalized approach to taking a course, with concurrent consulting to make sense of the children in their lives.
Neufeld Institute Courses
by Developmental Psychologist, Dr. Gordon Neufeld
with Michele Maurer, Neufeld Institute Faculty:
About Dr. Neufeld
Dr. Gordon Neufeld is a Vancouver-based clinical and developmental psychologist who has been working with children and those responsible for them for over 35 years. A former professor of developmental psychology and parent-child relations at the University of British Columbia, his best-selling book Hold On to Your Kids has been praised by parents, educators and mental health professionals worldwide. It won the 2006 National Parenting Publications Gold award and is now published in 8 languages. Dr. Neufeld’s courses are suitable to parents, caregivers, and professionals who work with children.
For a complete list of available courses, visit www.neufeldinstitute.org. Michele enjoys speaking with parents and professional groups on topics related to children, relationships, understanding and managing behaviour, emotions, play and child/adolescent development. If you are interested in arranging a talk or workshop on any of these topics, please email.
As a member of Faculty with the Neufeld Institute, Michele is able to support individual or group study of any course offered by the Institute. For a complete listing of courses available, read more at www.neufeldinstitute.org/courses
Making Sense of Troubled Kids
- Michele leads this course with helping professionals in mind, as a web-based series. Since the initial live offering of this series, recordings may be made available to review. This series is intended for specific professionals and caregivers, and is offered in cohorts with educators, school counsellors, preschool and early childhood caregivers, adoption and foster parent caregivers and mental health/clinical counsellors. For more information on this series, click here.
Making Sense of Preschoolers
Michele offers this course on request.
- A six hour course explaining what every young child needs us to know about them. Precocious, brazen, obsessive, endearing, hysterical, impulsive, anxious, delightful, unreflective, dogmatic, generous, unstable, aggressive, resistant, compulsive, and anything but consistent, no one is more susceptible to being misunderstood than the preschooler. Dr. Neufeld provides insight into their shyness, separation anxieties, aggression, resistance, oppositionality and more. Making sense of this confusing yet wondrous stage of life lays the foundation for intuitive and fruitful interaction with the preschoolers in your life. Insights into this stage of life also assist educators, helping professionals and most importantly, parents to care for and make sense of older children (or adults) stuck in this early developmental stage.
- Pick up your copy of this bestselling book about preschoolers, by Neufeld Faculty, Dr. Deborah MacNamara, “Rest, Play, Grow”. Copies available at Resilience Couple and Family Therapy or most book sellers.
- Click Here for Course Preview
Making Sense of Marriage
- Michele facilitates this course, joined by other Neufeld Faculty from Canada, USA and Poland. Registration is not currently open, though you are welcome to let Michele know you are interested in attending and she can alert you once registration does open.
- A 10-session course examining couple relationships, the attachment and emotion of couplehood, the ways we may continue to grow into our best potential as adults, how we parent together, or ways we can wound or heal in relationship. The course then shares seven keys to full intimacy and sustaining a fulfilling relationship. Please note: This course is not a substitute for couples therapy. Some couples may opt to take this course as an add-on to ongoing couples work.
- This course is best taken as a follow-up to other courses or conferences offered by the Neufeld Institute. The rich insights here build upon an understanding of relationships and development of human potential that is well articulated in other courses or presentations. If you are interested in this course and have not taken any previous courses or conferences, you are welcome to reach out to Michele for suggestions.
Heart Matters: The Science of Emotion
- In this course, Dr. Neufeld outlines five basic steps to emotional health and development so adults can foster emotional well-being and get to the root of such problems as alarm, anxiety, agitation, aggression, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, bullying, and so on. This course is powerful in the insight it provides as well as the changes it inspires. To make sense of emotion is to make sense of us all. There is no better way to glean insight into oneself and others. Having a working knowledge of the science of emotion should be a prerequisite for anyone responsible for children or working with adults. While the focus of the course is on children and youth, the content is applicable to individuals of all ages.
- This course is highly recommended for all helping professionals, educators and parents.
- Registration and Information. More information about the course.
Making Sense of Anxiety
- Dr. Neufeld takes us through a deeper look at the sources and surprising solutions for this common problem. Anxiety is a growing problem for children of all ages. It takes many different forms, playing out in obsessions, compulsions, avoidance, panic, phobias, and a host of troublesome behaviours. We cannot treat something that we do not understand; making sense of anxiety is foundational to its cure.
- Click Here for Preview
Making Sense of Adolescence
- Understanding the dynamics of adolescence can provide the keys for knowing how to respond to problems that may arise. Our hurried and complex society requires a lengthy adolescence and yet provides very few cues and supports for parents and teachers to perform their critical roles in the lives of adolescents. The task of crossing the bridge from childhood to adulthood has never been more daunting. Dr. Neufeld will clarify the role of parents and other adults, and provide practical suggestions for how to successfully negotiate this important developmental stage. He gives both the tools and the eyes to see an adolescent through the journey, and articulates why now more than ever adolescents need our help to cross that bridge.
- Click Here for Preview
Power to Parent Series, Part III: Common Challenges
- This course is the third installment of the Neufeld Institute’s flagship series for parents. Common Challenges focuses on the typical challenges of parenting. Every child gets stuck from time to time on the road to maturation. Dr. Neufeld helps equip parents to read the signs of a child in trouble, live with a sensitive child, cultivate resilience in a child, lead an alpha child, soften a defended child, discipline a stuck child, and more. Dr. Neufeld offers effective and safe practices that honour and preserve the relationship, even when the problems seem daunting.
- Click Here for Preview